How Do I Find My California Secretary of State Entity Number?

california Secretary of State Filing Service

California Secretary of State Entity Search

California business that are registered with the Sacramento Secretary of State are assigned an entity number.

Here is information that was obtained from the California Secretary of State‘s Website.  Navigate to the Business Search database on the California secretary of state’s website

Finding your California Secretary of State Entity Number

California Secretary of State Search for Business Entities

  • The entity number is the identification number issued to the entity by the California Secretary of State at the time the entity formed, qualified, registered or converted in California.
  • If searching for a corporation by entity number, the letter “C” must be entered followed by the applicable seven-digit entity number.Example: Searching for C0254285 will return X,Y,Z CORPORATION. Searching for 0254285 will return no results.
  • If searching for a limited liability company or limited partnership by entity number, enter only the applicable 12-digit entity number.Example: Searching for 200100410071 will return RESEARCH & RETRIEVAL, LLC. Searching for 0100410071 will return no results.

california Secretary of State Filing Service

Located in Sacramento.  We provide Expedited filing services to the California Secretary of State

1500 11th street 3rd floor Sacramento, CA 95814

Guaranteed Same Day Expedite Drop Off

We will deliver your prepared documents by hand to the correct location within the Secretary of State’s Office.

Questions: Call/Text (916) 238-6077

Complete The Form Below

California Secretary of State Service Request

  • Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Amendment, Certificate of Correction, Statement of Information, Statement and Designation by Foreign Corporation, Articles of Organization for LLC, Amendment of Articles of Organization, Application to Register a Foreign Limited Liability Company, Certificate of Limited Partnership, Application to Register Foreign Limited Partnership.
    Routine Service - Documents will be prepared and filed within 5 days of payment. Expedited Service You provide documents and we will file the day received. (1pm Cut off time) Expedited document preparation will be filed within 24 hours of payment receipt. The documents will be ready the next business day. Document preparation includes the following: 1 year of registered agent services & obtain EIN. Extra fee to obtain EIN number for non-US citizens.
  • Upload your signed prepared documents or email them to You will receive an email invoice which will include our fee and the fees payable to the California Secretary of State.