Start Your Company For Just $49 + State Filing Fees
How To Start A Business in Vermont?
Complete The Form Below
Vermont Secretary of State
128 State St, Montpelier, VT 05633 (802) 828-2363
Vermont Secretary of State office is responsible for registering corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), and partnerships.
If you’re starting a business in Vermont that’ll be classified as anything beyond a sole proprietorship, you’ll need to ensure that you go through the proper channels with your state’s regulations and tax filing requirements.
How to Start a Business including LLC’s, Corporations, & Partnerships
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Partnership (LP, LLP, LLLP)
Choose Your Entity Name:
Perform a Vermont Secretary of State Business Search to make sure that your business name is available.
Complete The Proper Paperwork:
File Your Paperwork & filing fees with the Vermont Secretary of State:
By mail, in person or online.